A genuine masterpiece of a game.

Terraria has it all. Great combat, fun exploration, a lot of customizability, and so much to do. Terraria is massive in all departments, but not in a way that feels excessive or bloated. I don’t ever think to myself that there’s too many weapons or accessories, but instead that all the options allow for a lot of potential playstyles, even within the same weapon class. That variety also flows into Terraria having a TON of replay value. You can play melee in one run but then decide to play summoner in another run, and you’ll get two very different gameplay experiences. And Terraria’s gameplay as a whole leans a lot into being able to replay it, both because of the variety of ways you can play Terraria and because actually exploring a new Terraria world is engaging and interesting. Multiplayer Terraria is also a blast, especially since everyone can play different builds or focus on different aspects of the game.

Difficulty progression is smooth, never feeling too unmanageable. New bosses feel difficult but fair (the only exceptions being a small amount of bosses that are too easy, which is far less of a sin than too difficult in my eyes), and the bosses are just fun to fight in general. Combat feels great and well-balanced as a whole, even outside of bosses. Terraria feels really satisfying and clean to play.

Terraria’s biggest issue is that the game relies a lot on using a wiki. I don’t think the variety of items is a bad thing, but how to get items can either be convoluted (Zenith, Terraspark Boots, etc) or from rare drops (Rod of Discord, Slime Staff, etc). It can be daunting to enter Terraria without a guide, especially for things like class setups. And the low drop rate items as well, like Rod of Discord, can also result in Terraria being pretty grindy sometimes when just trying to get one item for an accessory or a weapon.

Terraria is a special game for me, and one of the games I will most highly recommend to people. It’s helped me through hard times and brought me closer to people I care about. I’m not a massive fan of sandbox games, but I’ve rarely ever clicked with a game as much as I clicked with Terraria. All the love and praise Terraria has earned across the years is beyond deserved, Terraria is incredible.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2024
