Great concept, feels unfinished, rushed. Characters have very little development, story feels like it had potential...

Game of the Year 2020 (Should have been...) & Platinum #213. First, let me say not everyone will love this game the way I do. It just hits all the right buttons for me. Challenging gameplay (in hard mode), excellent story, memorable characters, free music DLC update, plus it doesn't overstay it's time. Not too long, not too short. My ONE issue is that story mode can't be played in hard mode. Normal mode feels too slow after grinding out the 100%. Wish this game got more love...

PS4 Review. This is one of the best games I played in 2022. If the graphics are what turn you away, you're missing out. Love the music, love the levels. The collectibles remind me of Crash Bandicoot, especially when you reach a level's end missing a single coin... Any early players of this game, I'll tell you the difficulty has been turned down thanks to an update. More checkpoints, easier platforming, among other quality of life changes. As a completionist, I enjoyed the challenge to earn this platinum trophy. Can't wait to get it again on PS5! :)

A very simple & cute photography game. I think it has a lot of charm & I got what I wanted out of it: A relaxing experience, a platinum trophy & a game that only took a few hours to complete.

I really enjoyed this game. Quick but not easy, challenging but not unfair. Speedrun achievement was a bit of a task, but worth it.