Crash Bandicoot 4 is the best Crash game without a doubt. From it’s incredible artstyle to its (mostly) great levels with fun mechanics, it’s kinda hard to say it’s not the best game in the series. The n verted levels are especially incredible and I loved replaying my favorite levels in a whole different mode. It being a crash game, theres of course gonna be some unfair bullshit, but most of that doesn’t come up until the end of the game. The annoying levels are annoying, but it’s hard to bring myself to dislike them because of the artstyle and how the levels look. It’s weird, I know, but that’s what I think. Except the final level in the game fuck that stupid ass shit who ever thought that was a good idea to put in the game? Anyways, Crash/Coco control really smoothly. Jumps are precise 90% of the time, which was a massive problem in the other crash games where’d you’d fall off a ledge because of the camera or crash being very slippery. The little marker under crash when you jump helps out too. But, crash isn’t the only playable character, there’s still 3 more. Tawna is extremely fun and my favorite out of the three bonus characters although I wish there were more levels with her. Dingo and Cortex on the other hand.... not a fan. They’re both really slow and clunky, the aiming for both of them never works and just feels like a chore to play, it sucks. Luckily, there’s not many levels where you play as them though. And yeah, those are my brief thoughts on Crash 4. I could talk about the insane amount of collectibles but, what is there to say that hasn’t already been said. Anyways, Crash 4 is the best crash game and one of my favorite platformers ever.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2021
