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1 day

Last played

October 13, 2023

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The second game of this long franchise was able to innovate to his precursor, but was also able to do some stuff more annoying than the first one.

The story of the game occurs 100 years after the first game. Bad guy destroys a town and one injured guard is able to reach our castle. He gives us the bad news and the king ask the prince (which is a descendant of the hero of the first game) to go kill the bad guy. The premise is simple, but it's nice that they continued the story of the first one.

The graphics are a tiny bit better, but not by much. The world and enemies are still colorful and are pleasant to watch.

Now, they added to the gameply the fact that you can have 3 characters in your party now. Which add more layers to the combat. Also, they added the fact that you can fight up to 7 enemies (depending on their size). So the combat have changed a lot. The simple fact that now you have some spells that can target multiple enemies is kind of neat. There are a bigger variety of enemies now.

Another thing is that the world is now bigger than the first one. To explore this map, you can also use a boat to reach one continent to the other, which is a big change. When walking in the overworld map, you can now see all three of the character following the main one. This simple touch adds something neat to the game.

However, there are some thing that are now annoying to the game. Your partners are really weak when it comes to their health. So when one dies, you really need to go back to the village to revive them. Also, grinding in this game is really a pain. It's a good thing I was able to watch something else at the same time since the combat is pretty simple. Speaking of combat, when attacking, you can only choose the type of enemies to attack, but you cannot choose the specific enemies. So if you got more than 2 of the same type on screen, it's random on who your characters will target.

This game is also really cryptic. It's a game that you will need a guide to beat it. Since there are a lot of important stuff that is hidden in the map, it can be a pain if you want to find them on your own.

One other good thing that they added to the game (or should say removed) is that you don't need to go in the menu to go up/down the stairs or go through a door. It may sound dumb, but it was a bug waste of time in the first one and I'm glad that they removed it.

I think I still prefer the first one for the simplicity and what it brought to video games, but I can still appreciate this game for what new stuff they added to the game.

Game #48 of my challenge