Dragon Warrior, the first of the beloved Dragon's Quest franchise. I know this game influence greatly the game genres of JRPGs. This is my first time playing any of those games and it's also the forst real RPG on the list. So I have no nostalgia for those games.

First of all, the graphics are really charming for his time. A lot of bright enemies sprites that are now icons for the series ( especially the slimes). Everything is recongnizable in the environnement and the UI is well done.

The story is kind of classic. The chosen one that needs to save a kidnapped princess. It does his job and that's about it. The dialogs of the characters are generic or really cryptic. You need to talk to everybody to be sure that you won't miss anything. Without those dialogs, you couldn't found certain mandatory things for sure.

Gameplay wise, it's pretty simple, but a good simple. Since it's some of the first of his genre, a lots of things are barebone or just unpolished. When starting the game, you start at level 1 with some stats. What I found BS about those stats is that depending on your name that you chose, the stats will change. This is kind of stupid, because when you are a kid, you use your name to be the hero's name, but your name could suck more than another kid name.

Also, your "party" is composed of only one character. You also always fight against one enemy at the time. This makes the things really simple. When trying to interact with something on the map, you need to open the menu. So that means that each time you want to talk, items, stats, open a door or even using the stairs, you need to open the menu and use the right option (which makes the thing a little tedious).

The level system is really grindy. You will pass a lot of time turning in circle around a village and beat enemies, go heal and then go back. You will want to grind around a town, because if you die, you will go back to the first town and you will lose half of your gold.

Speaking of towns, the map is really huge for a first JRPG. You will need a map on your computer to find yourself in this map. It's kind of impressive when you thing about it.

I'm gonna be honest, I used a guide to help me save time with this game, but I still enjoyed my time with it. Since the combat system is really simple, you can watch something else while grinding XP or gold and it won't be that bad. I think it's a good game for his time and I would recommand people to at least to try it, only to get a feel of what it was back in 1986.

Game #30 of my challenge

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2023
