Pro Tip: It makes plane rides, car rides, and days shorter.

Play as Handsome Jack? Yes, please.

PSP version went hard. Fun, Weird, Unique, and Special with an elite soundtrack


What could have been. Incredible until you get to space, in my opinion. Miss sinking hours into weird designs

Underrated when it comes to Pokemon imo

It's better than any Call of Duty multiplayer!

An bygone era when TV/Movies got games that were incredible

Top 5 boss battle and nemesis in gaming. The Cake is a lie.

What hasn't been said? Elite fun can't wait for GTA VI

Zombies in its purest form. Not the best, but a trailblazer for a CoD Staple

Not my cup of tea, but loved watching my brother play

So replayable, and you'll need to in order to unlock characters.

Glad I used game pass and didn't pay 60. Fun but forgettable