Cathedral 2019

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95% of this game is solid diamond execution.

The boss fight for The Conduit and the entirety of Ardur's Domain? Absolute exercises in frustration.

If you put a place to heal in a platforming room that's obtuse to try and make it through because the player keeps taking damage, it's probably a sign that you made the platforming too annoying for the room and didn't need a healing station there. Retread sections to pad out the last area just to open a single door? Give me a break.

The last boss is mostly fun, but talk about a deflating experience up to that point from meeting The Conduit. I think my deaths were only in the double digits, but I wish I could attribute that to a lack of skill, rather than dealing with a cumbersome setup over and over.

The rest of the game? Absolutely aces. As a Metroidvania, the exploration is excellent -- secret areas, secret bosses, secret equipment upgrades, they're totally on-point with the level design and boss design for the rest of the game (even if everyone treats the Necromancer like it's Ornstein & Smough).

If you don't mind beating your head against a brick wall for the last hour or two of the game, I highly recommend paying full price for this because it's SO GOOD the rest of the time.