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This game is a mess. I had originally abandoned it, but something about it on my last circling of my unending backlog caught my attention and I had to play it to completion. I cannot state it enough, though -- WHAT AN ABSOLUTE MESS.

It's a first-person dungeon crawler that has an aesthetic I can get behind, but everything else is muddled in some fashion.

-- The equipment UI is busted and requires you to jump back to the EQ list in order to see what you're putting on vs. what you're wearing because it won't show the stat differences for every aspect of the equipment while you're cycling through potential stuff you can wear.

-- At one point, I got a Long Sword I really liked and those swords can be equipped with Shields. For whatever reason, this sword could not...and it erased my shield I was wearing in the process.

-- There's stuttering when moving through your room in the house, making it feel like the game's going to hard freeze at any point.

-- I actually got softlocked while trying to leave town because the menu for town never opened up one time when I left my house.

-- Combat is slow and not all skills detail exactly how they work or who they target properly.

-- Music loops every 60-90 seconds (I think) and it's the kind of loop where it just ends on one note and abruptly goes back to the beginning and it's not a clean loop, so enjoy that jarring sensation over and over.

-- At one point, I discovered that combat actually takes place above the dungeon floors because I went to open a door when a fight started and it caused me to be able to move around while in the combat screen...so I walked and fell out of the combat area and onto the open ceiling of the dungeon floor I was on, and then fell back into the dungeon area. Since this was a fixed fight I could visibly see on the screen, I couldn't actually go back to fight that fight again because, well...I had no way to get back up into the sky where fights take place.

-- Some secrets just don't even work. I beat one of the strongest monsters in the game and it dropped the item I needed to unlock some secret doors, but the item left my inventory so I couldn't even open the doors. What was behind those doors? The best spells in the game. Whoops!

-- Spelling errors galore.

-- The credits might be my favorite moment, because I'm most certain that they asked the people in the "Special Thanks" section to write what they want their names credited as and we got a number of "Anonymous", but we also got "No", "No, thank you.", "No thanks", and my favorite: "I don't want my name to appear in the credits." I hope I got that last one right, because I was too busy cracking up to make sure I remembered it properly.

It's not a great dungeon crawling RPG, but for some reason, I got obsessed enough to plow through it and read a really poorly-written and goofy ending. I'm not changing my rating on this game, but at least I finally dealt a blow to The Backlog Monster. Yay for small victories!

(pass on this game unless you're desperate)