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Kind of a PS2 Chrono Cross-like game, it feels like. I've only spent a couple hours with it, and I've also done a bit of searching around for info on it outside of the game and it's kinda wild.

Multiple possible starting locations that influence how your story gets going, different party members to start with for each of those locations, tons of recruitable party members, and based on events that transpire over the course of the game (or events you actively choose to engage in or not), you may have to fight some of those characters and some may even die.

I also read that the final boss section of the game can vary between two and six bosses based on the actions you've taken up to that point, and it seems like most of the playable characters you gain also have specific endings for them based on your affinity with them over the course of the game.

All of that is kinda cool, but the general combat system feels rather generic and I can't get past how awful the translation is, at times...although shout-outs to the one translation gaffe where an NPC says, "We're going to arrest Euris for blowing the academy." Damn, Euris -- you live your life, but that's a lot of mages.

More than anything, playing this makes me wish that Koei would port this to a current gen system with just a translation and a minor bit of polish, because I'd probably be more inclined to delve deeper into this if the translation was better.

If you're looking for a classic JRPG with a ton of potential party members that may or may not die based on your actions and a ton of endings, maybe go dig up the translated version of this.