A lot's already been said about this game regarding its writing and I'll tenth, twelfth, hundredth, thousandth it because the writing is amazing and I have not laughed as hard as I did at my potential for chaos based on choices in a long time.

The short of it is, the game is fascinating in many ways and well-written, but the soundtrack is completely flat for me and I ran into some very strange bugs that caused varying degrees of grief for me.

Some were just minor issues like the wrong audio playing for whatever narrative aspect is talking at a given time, or when Kim went to say something and it was about triple the volume of what the rest of the dialogue was and almost blew out my speakers.

One was a bit annoying, in the case of a bug that caused me to be unable to traverse a room I'd already been into before because my character would not walk more than a few feet in and just ceased being willing to interact with anything I could see, giving me no choice but to leave, go all the way around to the other side of the building, and head back into said room from the other side to reach what I was trying to get to. Annoying, but not the worst thing ever.

The real crime is that for how slow the game is, the fast travel system is either a mess or broken, depending on who you talk to. I was able to fast travel one time with the map -- when I first unlocked a new fast travel point. After that, every time I tried to fast travel, it didn't give me an option. I read on the discussion board on Steam that some people suggested it was a requirement for you to be in one of the fast travel areas to travel to another area, but no dice for me. Then I happened upon people mentioning that it just stopped working for them after a certain day in the game.

It's nice that time doesn't move while you're not engaged in a particular activity, but for the amount of distance you get to cover with your Jamrock Shuffle, it's ridiculous that you have to just resign yourself (or at least I did) to walking all the way back and forth between multiple points in what I can only describe as a slog that deprives the enjoyment of digging deeper into the story.

Absolutely recommend the game, just with the caveat that you better bring patience because depending on the bugs you get (apparently others were worse off than I was), you may be getting more mileage than you're bargaining for -- especially when it comes to walking.

Absolutely get it, just get it on a sale. It's worth a playthrough, regardless of the slog.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2022
