Oh boy... This game...
Tbh, I want to like this game! I tried to like it! But, there are so many bad qualities coming from this game!

- The battles became too boring and repetitive.
- Certain costumes just don't fit right for certain characters and they're just used for "fan-service". (Like Yuugi and Seija wearing maid outfits.)
- Certain characters got flanderized. (Like Yuyuko becoming a greedy, hungry jerk.)
- Certain characters have child variants. (Yuyuko, Yukari, Junko, Remilia and Satori.)
- Greenwich Debris plays like 80% of the whole game.
- Some designs for the parallel variants are lazy. (Like God-Summoning Shaman Reimu, Witch of Scarlet Dreams Marisa, and Mysterious Sword Master Youmu are just the alternative color palletes of Reimu, Marisa, and Youmu from the official Touhou fighting games.)
- It took a few years for this game to have a friend system. Before that, the profile and comment system was pointless.
- Chapter 1 is the only chapter in the Main Story that I find good. Sadly, the rest isn't.
- Chapter 4: Act 3 is just a filler Chapter. Just 3 Battles and 6 Cutscenes. That's it. (Not counting the extra part)
- Some battles require strong parallel variants. Because the suggested level for those battles are 101 or higher. Even though the maximum level for each unit is 100.
- Fully Limit Breaking Story cards back then is so slow! Instead of using all 4 duplicates at once, you have to choose 1 duplicate, limit break it, and then repeat this 3 more times.

Touhou LostWord is bad! Really disappointing!

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2023
