TL;DR: A great point & click psychological horror inspired by Alice in Wonderland with an interesting story, design and decent puzzles.

Art style - simple but effective, a great fit for a "children's book turned horror"
Character design - once again, simple but memorable, from the main villain Remor to the mysterious skeleton Itward
Overall story and worldbuilding - done so well, letting you decide what's real and what's not, while not being overly confusing
Sound design

Ending felt rushed and unsatisfying - it is left up to the player to decide what has actually transpired throughout the story. But it is done in a way that felt like all the good stuff from the game was thrown together in a matter of seconds creating a confusing and unsatifying mess
No voice acting even for the main lines - should've been included with the improved version. It would've enhanced the game greatly by giving you a break from constantly reading stuff. Somewhat like what Disco: Elyisum did with it's Final Cut
No way to skip walking to places if there is no "eye" - making double click teleport the player to location/next scene would help greatly

Puzzles are decent, not too hard, nor mind-numbingly easy
OST is decent, but repetitive at times
Chapter transition mini-games - while somewhat interesting, felt a bit out of place especially since you can just skip them. This gives off the feeling the developers wanted to include something more but didn't feel confident in their execution making the whole experience of them a bit cheap

If you're a fan of American McGee's Alice and like (or don't mind) point & click adventures, this is a game for you. And since EA not only refused to do anything with their franchise, but actively burned it to the ground, this is possibly the only game that can scratch that itch right now.

Overall I rate it huge mellons/10

Reviewed on Jul 14, 2023
