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This is what a true psychological horror game feels like.
No monsters, no cheap jumpscares, no chase sequences... Just a pure, and merciless depiction of one of the many horrors of humanity.
My Eyes Deceive doesn't just depict the story of this very unfortunate protagonist we play as... It depicts the stories of so many different people, countless stories of abuse that are still happening at the very moment I am writing this comment. This.... THIS is true horror.

I'm very glad the recreation of this game got taken down from roblox because a game that touches such a heavy topic has no place in a site which is mostly used by children.

To all the survivors of csa reading this: I wish from deep inside my heart that you're safe now and are able to heal from the many physical and psychological wounds those horrible people have inflicted upon you. Stay strong and stay safe.

I was really enjoying this one until chapter 2 happened..... good lord

I used to seriously dislike this franchise until I played this chapter.
The way they upped the horror aspects of the game really made it feel like a legit horror experience, as opposed to just another one of those obnoxious cashgrab kid's horror games.

Huge props to the devs for all the effort they put into this one.

this game made me reconsider my distaste for soup

It's a nice game for pokémon players who are interested in the various characters the franchise has, I feel like they did a good job giving them more depth. As a hardcore Silver fan, I really appreciate how much time and thought they put into his character redemption arc, shit was beautiful, fr fr.

I can definitely understand why masters has such a low rating tho. It's definitely a tad underwhelming gameplay-wise, and the gacha system is ASS. Like, straight up disrespectful, man.