And once again, Disney took Club Penguin away from us....

The gameplay is simple but it's very entertaining, I always find myself going back to this to check on my pets and play a little more.
Though I have to say, I wish the game wasn't so grindy. The in-game purchases are unnecessarily expensive, and considering how simple the features in this game are (and how repetitive they may feel after you've been some hours into the game), the effort to raise the funds you need to get these upgrades barely feel like they are rewarded at all. There are lots of stuff you can only buy with diamonds, and they're either WAY too expensive (like kitsunes that cost 700), or just straight up useless or not worth it (like SINGULAR tiny floor tiles, that are like.... 10+ each or something?) It feels like the developers are trying really hard to get you to spend your money, and that just doesn't feel very right to me.
But hey, at least the game is not pay-to-win. Most of the expensive purchases are simply luxury; you can try and save up for them if you want to, but even if you don't, it's not going to impact your experience.

If you got lots of free time, like animals, and are a fan of pet-caring games, then you should definitely give Pet idle a chance.

Welp..... I guess i'm gay now

why the fuck did they make a whole ass dlc for just 3 short levels and one extra cutscene, they did my boy dirty

God bless you namco for bringing this masterpiece back to the spotlight
Such a amazing and magical experience! It pains me to see how underrated this series is

Psychological horror at it's finest

Played the demo for this, I love the concept of this game
I've never seen a game where the dialogue choices change the story like Slay the Princess does, it's really interesting seeing all the different outcomes you can get
Plus, the twist that the game has is very well thought, it definitely caught me by surprise
Really looking forward to the full release!

Quick cashgrab made to appeal to indie horror youtubers and make kids steal their parent's wallets
Even $0 is too much for this game

After what capcom did with RE3 remake, I was legit scared that they were going to screw up with this one... but holy shit was I impressed.
Going through this game I was struck with the exact feeling I had when I played the original RE4 for the very first time. It's a truly faithful and perfected recreation of an old game that was already great by itself.
God, what a good fucking remake.

Basically Stardew Valley but with a more in-depth character customization, story, and fantasy RPG elements... which is quite nice, to be honest!

My only complaint is that there are too many loading screens, and they take an eternity to load and that lowkey kills my engagement and general excitement to play the game. (Though this may just be because my PC sucks, idk)

Welp, yeah. If you're done playing Stardew, loves fantasy scenarios and is craving for something more, i'd definitely recomment checking this out.

Cool game!
The gameplay itself is very repetitive, but it's understandable since it's a short experience with one goal in mind.
I love how they took a genre that's supposed to have a nice and cozy gameplay and turned it into a horror game, it feels really innovating! I'd love to see this concept get explored further in the future.