This is a game that has a lot of good, and a lot of bad, which turns it into a mediocre affair. I like the idea of turning the Nuzlocke challenge of Pokemon games into a rouge-like RPG, however, this game falters in fleshing out the unique aspects of a rouge-like game.

A perfect example is that each game section has a level cap your team can reach. The level is team-wide and not individual which is a great change from Pokemon. What the game doesn't change is the need for grinding your team up. When you enter the boss challenge of each section, you are not allowed to leave until all enemy teams are beaten. If you forget to buy an item, or level up your team, tough luck. And one loss means back to the start of the game (unless you turn off Permadeath mode).

This incentivizes you to grind your team up and think about every fight you enter, but the next issue is that each run of the game is randomized. Therefore you will never know what each team is going to be packing. On top of some unlucky moments that you can experience, this game can be completely stacked against you.

My biggest complaint is that this game doesn't reward you for multiple playthroughs. Most rouge-likes will give the players ways to make future runs easier, something like new weapon types or passives in Hades, yet this game doesn't offer any of that. You do get currency to unlock different Abomi forms to have on your party, or new areas to explore randomly, but that is it. There is no way to augment your experience outside of the initial options.

With all that said, this is a standard Pokemon Clone. The type chart has been streamlined to be much easier to understand, each type has a debuff that makes sense for their attributes, and the mana system makes this game more engaging than the traditional PP system. I also love the simplistic, almost children's pop-up book, art style of this game. It gives off a type of whimsy that kids would like.

This is an average game, with some great ideas not brought to its full potential. I can recommend this game to gamers who want a challenging experience, but other than that I would recommend waiting for a sale or looking at something else.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
