This game is sublime. I was worried that it would feel dated compared to Silent Hill 2 given the hardware, but what I found was that the game holds up in basically every way. The cutscenes, areas, menus, and music are both charming and atmospheric. The riddles were pretty tough brainteasers. My favorite thing of all: the combat is sooooo fucking good. It tickles my brain in just the right way to unload a couple shots into some poor bastard while they fall in a puddle of blood and I stomp them to death. The choices of weaponry are mostly the same with the addition of a bunch more melee weapons to bash heads in, it's just enough without being overkill. On the note of killing people, the enemy variety is really great. Compared to SH2 (where all the standard enemies did basically the same thing) this game has a buffet of nasty creatures. Sprinting dogs. Pterodactyls that hit you from the sky. Leaping skin gorillas. Swamp monsters that hang from the ceiling. Little gray men with knives. You got it all in this game baby, and it's fun to kill every single one of them. Only ounce of criticism I can give is that the camera STINKS. It never feels like it works how it should and several times I was getting massacred offscreen because my camera is stuck in the corner. It also never reaches the emotional highs of it's sequel; Harry Mason never makes an impression apart from being the blankest of slates. But in terms of raw gameplay, it does everything not only right but better.

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2023
