Masterpiece. Sucks that I’ll likely never play anything better.


I’m honestly surprised at how meh a lot of the reviews for this were. I thought it was fantastic. A near-perfect fusion of art and gaming. Maybe expectations were too high but I thoroughly enjoyed taking in all the environments while solving puzzles. And those last 2 chapters - holy shit. Very uncomfortable.
Also - don’t hesitate to use a guide for this one on occasion to avoid aimlessly wandering for too long if you get stuck.

Unnecessarily long and difficult. A more patient person will have lots of fun with it though. It’s a truly scary game, it just outstays its welcome by a lot.

Not quite as scary as Visage, but a lot more accessible and straightforward. I rarely felt stuck. Relies a bit heavily on jump scares, but they are well placed and paired with great environmental hazards.

The atmosphere is on point. Certain parts feel extremely claustrophobic and tense. However, aside from a very creepy enemy, it does little to set itself apart from other horror walking sims.

Play this game if you want to poop your pants. This is the one to compare all others to.