1 review liked by Shunny

Class of '09 is a game that will not resonate with men, It's for the girls. As a woman who has always participated in mostly male spaces in both my hobbies (gaming and gym) and my studies (comp-sci). This game while hilarious resonated with me so much.

I don't think many guys really see how differently you get treated. Even men who seem to fully accept as a friend can have ulterior motives or other you in different ways and I think a lot of the humour in the game relates to that. I found it funny even as someone who was heavily bullied in high school because a lot of what they're alluding to is correct.

I see a lot of the other reviews getting put off by the pedophilia jokes but tbh that's the reality as a woman. First time I was cat called I was 12, first time a classmate put his hands on me I was 13, and all of that just taught me to be open to getting groomed by older men at 15. It's the experiences some women face and I think the jokes are very cathartic for me in that 'you have to laugh otherwise you cry' sort of way. I don't say all this for any other reason than expressing why I enjoyed this game and that I think we should be able to talk about our experiences without it being taboo.

In total I thought the game was witty and towed the line incredibly well. It's not for everyone but it is for me. I think it requires a lot of nuance to fully unpack the game and I enjoy that they don't vilify men by portraying the fact that the main character is a sociopath and a terrible person who makes decisions out of her own self interest with little care for who it affects.

Everyone is horrible, it's funny and it's based on real experiences that people have. I don't think these ideas need to be mutually exclusive.

Anyway it's peak.