New Blood's weakest game so far IMO. Weapons have this annoying delay when firing. The levels and enemies are forgettable as well for the most part. I also hate how everything has the Unreal Engine shine.

Not necessarily a terrible game but it feels a bit average, maybe this was because Inscryption was the first Daniel Mullins game I played. It felt too much like a generic creepypasta and with the exception of one moment, most of the fourth wall breaks aren't very memorable.

Ice cream scoopin, Shittin, Poopin

I will give the devs credit in that it is their first game, so hopefully if they make another game it will be better. But this game is just not good. You have all of the characters immediately making the puzzles a joke, combat is even easier since each character has their own health bar and can hold ten health items. The game is filled with obnoxious references everywhere constantly saying "remember this, remember that." The game does get somewhat interesting in the end, but not enough to save it.

This game is not gonna be everyone cup of tea, but I really liked the aesthetic, the gameplay is decent too but your enjoyment from this game will depend on how much you like the aesthetic. One bit that did annoy me was the occasional jump scares during the hub area. Aside from that really cool game for those who can handle the grotesque, H.R Giger like imagery.

While the presentation and music are fantastic, the gameplay is painfully average, not much room variety, mediocre combat, (the gore system is cool though). Some of the ideas are cool like the weapons, hopefully Pixel Titans can do better next time.

I have actually heard of the hex prior to playing Inscryption. However, I dismissed it at first because it looks like a dorkly style "aren't video games wacky" kind of thing, boy was I wrong. While the gameplay is ok, the story is what makes this game so great, possibly my favorite story from Daniel Mullins. I would even argue I like this game more than Pony Island.

The story is about 6 abandoned video game protagonists in a bar called "the six pint inn", who are trying to find out who is planning a murder. Without spoiling anything too big, the focus is less on the murder and more about the game industry and how it has effected these characters.

While in the inn, the game plays like a point and click, however, once an event happens to a character, a flashback of the game they were from will occur with genre dependent on the character, ranging from Platforrmer, Fighting Game, RPG and more. That may sound like the game is unfocused, but thankfully, the controls make the game feel more cohesive, since you only use WASD and the left mouse button.

The soundtrack by Jonah Senzel is also pretty good songs, such as "Coming in Hot" and "Dustbowl Danny".

Since this is a Daniel Mullins game, there are plenty of
creative fourth wall breaks, secrets, and even an ARG that has a hidden ending in another game.

Overall I highly recommend this game to those who like good stories, hidden secrets or even if you've enjoyed Daniel Mullins other work.

Whoever thought you should be punished for beating things up in a beat em up was a good idea?

Daniel Mullins you clever man.

Much like the first game (Tamashii), your enjoyment will depend on how much you like the aesthetic. That being said it has plenty of improvements over Tamashii. The puzzles are more interesting (if not a bit cryptic), the graphics look way better and more lively, and the hub world events are more than just obnoxious jumpscares. If you liked Tamashii, I'd highly recommend Teocida.