Log Status






Time Played

14h 29m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 8, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


As someone who played 75% of this game countless times as a kid without finishing it, it was awesome to see this game remade into a title that holds up much better today.
This is seemingly the only Pokemon series where the pokemon themselves have actual character, where you can actually be emotionally invested without seeing them as just a statistic that you create your own backstory for.
The music in this game is incredible and the general sound is a blast to the past in the best way possible.
My main problem with this game is that, while the gameplay is fun, it is waaaaaaaaay too easy. No boss fight lasted longer than 1 minute and I was never in any real danger.
It's a shame that this is a repeated theme for Pokemon in the modern day; that no matter the genre / playstyle, these games are way too easy and don't offer any harder difficulties.
Also I got treecko so that was a massive bonus