Starfield 2023

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 4, 2023

First played

September 6, 2023

Platforms Played


As someone who still occasionally plays Fallout 4 just to role play as specific characters, I loved this. Maybe I’m biased because RPG’s where you can invent any character you like are probably my favourite genre in gaming, but I haven’t had so much fun with a game in a long time.

Yes, it’s definitely flawed. The way you travel to and land on planets does take away a lot of the fun and immersion, but it was never a deal breaker for me. The fact that a majority of planets don’t really have anything interesting on them except the typical dungeon full of enemies with loot at the end, is also a bit disheartening. The quests, whilst being some of the most interesting Bethesda have ever written, don’t seem to last as long as they did in previous games. Also, Bethesda seem to have something against long hair styles in their character creators.

But after the mixed reception to Fallout 4, where most people criticised the story and the lack of genuine choices and dialogue options necessary for an RPG, all I wanted was for Starfield to give you the option to make those interesting choices and give the player the ultimate freedom to be anyone they want. And, for the most part, I feel as though they’ve achieved that. Some quests where actually really well made and so much fun. The Crimson Fleet and Ryujin Industries quests where probably my favourites.

The main story starts out a bit bland, but slowly becomes more interesting as it progresses. The ending in particular was certainly a choice.

So yes, while it isn’t perfect, it gave me what I wanted. And I cannot wait for mods to come out next year.