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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 4, 2024

First played

December 30, 2023

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Atrocious camera, poorly designed combat and just a generally lacklustre story aside, this is easily my favourite of the Legend Trilogy (which is probably a hot take). Gameplay-wise, it’s exactly what I wanted from a Tomb Raider game.

I think what puts it above the other two for me is not only the much improved graphics, but the exploration and level design. The puzzles were genuinely fun to solve, the environments take full advantage of Lara’s much improved and expanded abilities such as rock climbing and pole swinging. Zip and Alister aren’t providing unnecessary commentary in Lara’s ear the whole game and you get to absolutely lay waste to enemies with Thor’s hammer Mjolnir towards the end. Brilliant!

Whilst it wasn’t a deal breaker, it’s such a shame that you constantly find yourself at odds with the game’s camera. The combat is such a massive step down from the previous two games. Thankfully, combat encounters are few and far between and whilst it’s nice to get some closure on the story of the trilogy, it’s still pretty bare bones, but that’s to be expected from a video game. In all honesty, I don’t play Tomb Raider games for the story (who does?) and in general its gaping flaws didn’t prevent me from having a blast.