This review contains spoilers

It took a lot out of me forcing myself to finish this game. Bad voice acting with dialogue that can make you cringe. Gameplay is slow and frustrating. I completed all the side missions hoping to find some that were at least interesting but no luck unfortunately.

If you haven’t played this game and want a game to throw you a true curveball that makes you feel uneasy (in a good way), I honestly suggest playing only the main story quests skipping the side quests until you get to the hospital level. I recommend rushing to this level and then abandoning the game. The only accomplishment you will feel after finishing this game is the fact that you forced yourself to the end.

Below this is the spoiler.

In the middle of the game there is a level that really, truly surprised and delighted me. A level in a hospital that does horror really well that suits the slow gameplay. It actually got a jump scare out of me and because I wasn’t ready for it, the whole level had me on edge. The level was such a surprise that I wasn’t sure what they were going to throw at me.

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2023
