Probably the best typing game I've played, even though it has its issues, and I played it at a pretty good time just having learned a new keyboard layout (Colemak) so it was actually challenging. Lot of nice small touches all around, and the art style is quite good. The story and narration really didn't do anything for me, I doubt it's why anyone is playing this but it would've been fine without probably? The game is a little unclear on where to go sometimes, and the unlockable area system felt overly convoluted when it's a pretty linear game overall. While the movement system keeps your hands closer to homerow and is interesting, I still think it might've been better to have movement on the typical WASD and switch your hand position for typing. Also some of the battles later on were more tedious than fun, but the game ended right around the point I was starting to get tired of it so that's probably pretty good pacing. Fun game overall, if you enjoy typing give it a shot.

Reviewed on Mar 01, 2021
