Really nice combat-focused DOOM wad, the early levels are pretty middling but around map 7 or 8 the encounters become a lot more open-ended and creative in how they're solved. Really good Cyberdemon usage as well, they're always placed in a situation where their presence ratchets up the challenge but doesn't feel overwhelming. In fact the whole map pack is pretty challenging, occasionally dipping into slaughter terriority, but there's enough ammo placement and upgrades to make it manageable. If you're a fan of the vanilla DOOM combat loop like I am this is definitely a creative and fun time; it's like the combat equivalent of all the DOOM wads over the years that prided themselves on being as Carmack-esque as possible. Combat Encounters are what this WAD lives and dies on though; if your preferred WADs are on the level-design, experimental side this won't do much to do alter your opinion.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2021
