Firewatch is a visual novel style game in which took a creative perspective as most of the game is voiced acted over a radio to a faceless female boss.
You start by making life choices, weather you have kids or you move house etc that will lead you taking serenity on a fire tower over the summer looking for early signs of a bush fire. This is done by first person perspective where you trail the forest for suspicious behaviour though the summer.
I loved the idea of a personal story as you choose your options. Although engaged me though the full 4 hour journey there were a few issues;
- The art style they chose was fine and I like low poly textures, it just seems graphically blank walking to point A to point B
- The game is very linear, being in a forest, I would of expected certain areas to be more open to explore and discover.
- Henry (your character) seems to walk a little too show. You can run but keeps turning off.
- Although you can choose dialogue options though having great remarks, this had little impact for the end game. If they have alternative endings from the choices in the story, the replay value would be great.
Overall the biggest issue is the gameplay itself I found to be dull at times as all you mostly do is walk to different parts of the forest. If you want a personal compelling story by all means give it a go but do not feel excited (or even entertained) by the gameplay

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2024
