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I am so grateful for this game. It takes elements of both xc1 and xc2, yet still very has its own identity within in its gameplay and story. The world itself is very hard to recognise but it shows ruins of the past worlds of XC1 and XC2. The world that's presented is much more destroyed amd that's by choice, showing the consequences of only living in the now with a past that's slowly fading.

Story elements. The characters are brilliant, this game has the best main cast in all of the xenoblade chronicles franchise. With my particular favorites being sena and Noah. In terms of antagonists I adore shania and N. Also I like Z not as a character he's sucks at that but what he represents. To be honest I think most moebius as a whole is childish and that's why they are represented by the alphabet, it is also a simplification of there character, in becoming moebius they lose who they very well are. The rest of moebius are kinda trash tho ngl... except Triton he's a goattttt. Cammuravai and Ethel probably produce one of my favourite moments In the series and ynow what I'm talking about if you played the game. I love shania and how she parallels sena, and shows how the people around you are important for who you become. Which enviroment is quite important in the game such as with N and noah, Sena and shania and probably many other examples. Honestly I could talk for hours about this aspect so I'll cut it short here

The world is incredibly immersive in design and in gameplay, such as the prison segment of the game along with the more ambient music.

Anyway imma shut up I've talked too much

I adore this game, the combat is amazing and near completely different between xc1, it rewards understanding of the games mechanics very well. Also rewards your very attention to enemies and your animations, with evasion arts and arts cancelling. The story has some absolutely amazing characters and definitely the best villains within the series, also the music enhances the game greatly such as selling the beautiful titan uraya. Along with amazing motifs

A great introduction, the combat is very exciting and rewarding. The plot is very engaging although in terms of characters the only melia and shulk really interest me