This game holds up in 2021. A must play for FPS fans. I knew Doom was a seminal moment in gaming and set a new benchmark for FPS shooters but I only comprehended WHY after finishing the game. PLAY THIS.

If you don't mind slow paced walking sims and you also like hard SF, philosophical themes, and atompunk (retrofuture) aesthetics then you will most probably love this game (liking The Firewatch won't hurt either).

Great graphics, moody music and gripping storyline based on "The Invincible" by famous Polish writer Stanisław Lem. Note: This not an adaptation of the book's plot - it's a separate story that takes time in the same timeline and location (planet Regis III). I'd recommend playing the game first and reading the book (or comic book) later.

The Invincible is around 7-10h in length and there are multiple endings based on your choices.
A VR version is planned.


You can tell it's a labour of love, and the price is free so you have no excuse not to try. I especially recommend the VR version for better imersion and the palpable feel of cosmic horros and dread.

Nice retro-FPS with pixel-art graphics which works surprisingly well in VR. And it's only 10$.

It's a VR dungeon crawler. Great fun in coop. Surprisingly robust physics and a consistent artstyle - looks good for a mobile game.