Look, I get this game was phenomenal for its time and was very influential that it paved the way for future 3D action games but calling it the greatest game of all time that has been topped by no other is quite a stretch, especially when 1. this game has a few flaws (cryptic moments, clunky controls, the water temple) that other (especially newer) games don't have, and 2. quite a lot of games I've played HAVE topped it in my eyes, including other Zelda games. I'm aware of the contributions this game has on the industry and I respect it for that but that doesn't have any effect on how much fun I have playing it. Mario 1 and Mario 64 were also very influential but you wouldn't catch me dead saying they're better than Odyssey or the Galaxy games.

With that being said it is a great game tho, not the best Zelda on the N64 tho

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2024
