The original Max Payne is one of my all time favorite action games. The dirty and sleazy in game graphics coupled with the gorgeous comic book panel cutscenes creates this incredible atmosphere that helps you look over the fact that Max Payne looks like a depressed Biff Tannen. Add in some of the best gunplay in a video game, and you've got a recipe for solid gold.

Now after hearing my mini rant about how good the original is believe me when I say that Max Payne 2 is better than the original in almost every way. The game first off looks so much better with some really impressive character model work that has aged really well. There aren't that many improvements done to the gunplay, but the simple introduction of rag doll effects makes combat much more satisfying. The real standout, however, has to be the tightly written story that perfectly builds off of the original in interesting ways, and never outstays its welcome with it being a perfect six hour experience.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2022
