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This is undoubtedly my favorite game of all time.
I recently replayed it on an emulator and it still holds up after more than a decade. The visuals, although a bit dated, are still great and really capture the DQ vibes. The soundtrack is as great as it's always been. Characters are brimming with life instead of being lifeless NPCs. Even the story, which is very cliche, is amazing and not too complicated to follow, each town has it own little story which rounds itself up at the end of each 'arc' with some very touching moments.
Replaying this as an adult really makes you appreciate all the details they added in every nook and cranny of dialogue and world-building. The combat can make every battle interesting, from managing your health and mp, to buffing yourself and debuffing the enemy, to some amazing animated attacks and specials, it all flows very well together. Of course, the fact that you can make your own friends in-game or invite real-life friends over makes for unique adventures every time you play this game.
For me, this is a game with infinite replayability, especially after you reach the end game and start delving into grottoes and raid bosses.

TLDR; My favorite game EVER, I probably clocked in more than 800h on DS and emulator combined!