Maybe the souls-like genre isn't for me. I can never seem to get into these games. But I've narrowed down why mostly.
I think these games are supposed to teach you through a die>learn>repeat loop until you figure it out. Unfortunately, with Sekiro, often that looks like this:
- Respawn at a camp
- Stealth or avoid 20 minutes worth of enemies
- Make it back to the boss
- Die in 2 seconds
- Repeat

If there is a 20 minute gap between me repeating a boss battle every time, I am not learning anything muscle memory wise. In Hollow Knight, for example, you die, you respawn in front of the boss. You learn. You repeat, you defeat, you feel satisfied.
But with Sekiro I just felt like I wasn't learning anything, and even when I did manage to beat a boss, I never felt like it was because I did a good job.

It's a shame because it's a beautiful game in a sea of games in this genre that are all dark and gothic and grey toned.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023
