Where it Shines:
Pew Pew - 10/10
Memorable Catchphrases - 10/10
Music and Sound Design - 8/10
The Good:
I may have nostalgia goggles on, but nothing scratches my "pew pew in space" itch like this game. It's got high replayability earning trophies and trying different planet routes. The combat is challenging without being obnoxious, and the characters and their interactions for such a basic game are really fun, charming, wholesome, and engaging. The game also is very short to beat and can be accomplished within an hour or two making it an easy pick up and play game.
The flight controls are also very simple but very fun. The choice to give you combat manuevers like a u-turn and somersault, but making them require a simple flick of the joystick plus brake/accelerate just makes such intuitive sense, but more importantly, it feels satisfying to execute. Combined with "DO A BARREL ROLL" for deflecting incoming enemy attacks, you've got everything you need for a fast, frenetic, and fun space combat game.
The levels are also varied and unique, and allow you to do dogfights with the evil version of your squad, Star Wolf, and there even Independence Day style levels where you have to destroy motherships via their weak core.
There is also a tank and submarine section so you don't just get to play in the sky, but also on land and water. It's a remarkably dense game for it's time and has aged well, imo.
The Bad:
For what it is and when it came out, it looks good, but the 3DS version really has improved on so much and I'd only recommend the n64 version if you really can't play it on 3DS. All the complaints I may have about the game, like lack of saves, are all addressed in the 3DS port.
If you like outer space or have nostalgia for this game, it still holds up. If you've never played before, give it a shot on 3DS, you won't regret it.

****note on my ratings:
half ⭐: hot trash garbage
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite
half star ratings between those mean it's slightly better or worse than stated in this list.

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2023
