not a fan of spinning completely out of control when u get hit on top of Atari's already poorly responsive controls.

decently executed first-person space shooter, it makes me sleepy tho

Functioning racing game. I like the selection of track layouts, and how you can even choose the terrain and collision type. Controls are still pretty jank but it is indeed playable.

I had to look up Steve Russell's original Spacewar for some context, and there's definitely some interesting history there. It's also surprising to see that this port completely predates Asteroids.

This game is primarily a multiplayer duel, but there are some modes both multiplayer and singleplayer where the goal is to dodge stray squares flying around the screen. These might be fun, but I had more fun cheesing them by building up my ship's momentum to the point where it just clips through everything.

This game eludes my grasp. I do not know what is happening on the radar screen. Which of the indecipherable dots am I controlling, if any? What am I aiming for?

The space fight itself is also nonsensical. I'm clearly in first-person aiming a target reticle at enemy ships. But if the enemy blasts hit the reticle I take damage?? Is the target reticle me?? Then how come it can touch the enemies??

i fw the judge dredd lookin ass dude on the cover drivin his super chasemobile through circuit city.

gameplay is decent for what it is, though it's less of a race and more of a gunfight in a maze, and your "chasemobile" looks more like a wizard hat sniffing its way around the corners.

One of those rare cases where the shitty joystick controls actually work with the gameplay instead of against it. Really makes you feel like you're controlling an unwieldy construction crane and lowering concrete blocks down into a flooding dam to rescue your lady love in a high-stakes mission. I kept dropping blocks on the poor girl's head by accident ;o;

I do not know what the items that spawn on the sides do. Especially the numbers, I wanted to try dropping them down onto my score to see if I could add a digit lol. All the items just despawn when you drop 'em tho, so maybe they weren't fully implemented?

it literally will not start on my Flashback 6. I'll come back and review it proper if I ever figure out how to fix that

there's only 1 button on the controller. u don't have to make opening the parachute a button/stick combo move. i'm using the stick for something else already

A certified classic. Best RealSports game probably. Look at the beach in the background with the little sunset. Good memories.

Would you look at that, a second good soccer game on the 2600. Once you figure out the game's "quirks" it's actually kind of enjoyable. I like that you can adjust the difficulty of the CPU.

International Soccer still wins tho

in the 58 seconds i managed to sit through this game before quitting my heart bled out for all of the poor children who must've suffered through this in 1979. i breathed a sigh of relief seeing that it's just an unreleased prototype