A worthwhile sequel to Valfaris. Switches format from "Contra but a bit more manageable and with checkpoints" to "side scrolling shmup but a bit more manageable and with checkpoints." Shorter, easier game than the original and fun overall, though it has the same issues as the first game where the levels can sometimes drag a bit.

Gorgeous game, similar biomechanical/heavy metal/stop motion style as the first but with in a 3D space this time. On the whole I generally liked this -- a fun action game with cool twists on established shooter action. Bosses were pretty slick.

However, I found it more frustrating than original Valfaris in some ways. Some of the enemies/patterns felt cheap given that they can shoot from offscreen (or at least the millisecond they get on screen) and I felt my character needed a small invincibility window after getting hit. The weapons were mostly cool, though I stuck to the first weapons I got for almost the whole thing.

I don't know. I got it for like $1.50 in a Fanatical bundle, I beat it, I liked it!

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
