A really charming and interesting interconnecting story game. The game has some great writing and balances it's humor with it's dective mystery story that has many layers going on all around it. Multiple protaginists that once they get going shift to another person's persecptive in another place and time and told in a non linear fashion. There will be times when you can't progress with one persons story until you reach another persons story to a certain point. It's a really innovative way to tell a story like this and can really only be done with video games. Their are a ton of bad ends and funny ends and it can be a real puzzle to figure out what you have to do in one scenario to fix a problem in another scenario. It's just such a wonderful story. The cast is great and it kept me guessing to the end. The music fits the game exceptionally well too. It's got some bangers in there. Plus even after the game there is still a ton of stuff to do with a bunch of post game stories and content. Overall is a huge package and quality for a title of this nature. This is one I could recomment to anyone.

Platinum #93

Reviewed on Dec 17, 2021
