I originally thought this game would just be a joke. Wow, bad graphics on purpose? Tee hee!!! What I wasn't expecting was a legitimately interesting story about corruption that somehow manages to make the ridiculous graphics essential to the experience that Cruelty Squad provides. The "horrible" graphics swap from a joke to an artistic choice that makes the game all the more intriguing, and the gameplay is surprisingly deep and skillful. Exploring the intricacies of each and every map proves quite enjoyable, and the NPCs have some well written dialogue. It feels both like a living, breathing world and a goofy video game at the same time. I genuinely wonder what was going through the creators head when he made this game, and I wonder if this is just some English class thing where I'm looking at the surface of a puddle and seeing the depths of an ocean, but I believe the beauty of Cruelty Squad lies in wonder. It strays so far from the norm that I never had a clue what lied ahead of me, and that made the game so exciting. It's rare for a game to surprise me nowadays, and I don't know if one ever will quite like Cruelty Squad did.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2023
