5 Reviews liked by Slyde

Some of the best you can find in terms of first person shooters. Great map variety, great guns, lots of enemy types and some of the best boss fights in FPS games. The only bad thing is the writing if you don't like dumb humor. Because all the humanoids in this game take turns on who gets the one braincell in the universe. But you can very easily skip all of the cutscenes.

It also has actually fun vehicle segments that aren't too prevalent, keeping them interesting when they appear. There's a lot of fun gimmicks thrown in the mix for levels generally too. Like some levels where you are forced to speedrun them and a "freezing" mechanic where you need to move in and out of shelter.

I never understood why this game is considered the worst in the series. If I were to guess, it's how much gameplay variety it has and the fact it's long. That and how stylistically different it is from every other Sam game.

It was a nice concept, however there are too many dialogues and game is overall slow. You have to finish many quests to unlock some items. I just wanted to get in the game and play it like a sandbox. However, that's on me, just like Kratos said: "Keep your expectations low boy, and you'll never be disappointed."
I might try the 2nd game tho

Somehow a random dude's closed beta key got into my email as it did with many others and I could get a peek at this game. I don't even know why I signed up for beta.
Optimization is kinda rough at this point, which is fine because it's still in closed beta.
There are few cars and few tracks and gameplay is kinda hard, I know this game is striving to be the most realistic car game and it is the reason why I struggled to drive the cars. I just want to wreck some cars in a derby.

Not that I would know but according to the others, it's fun with friends.

Well what can I say? A simulator of beating the crap out of everything screaming, running, shooting, exploding and trying to kill you!