I am a huge Tripwire fan. I thought this game was beautiful. The story was underwhelming but I wasn't playing it for the story - I was playing it to EAT MEN.

Goofed around with some friends - was a good time! Cute game

Ii like this game. It's Early Access still but I love that the developers are committed to it. I've been waiting for this game for a long time and I can't wait to see the completed game.

Go home EA, you're drunk. I preordered this and I really wish I hadn't.

I hated this game. I knew I shouldn't have bought it but I did anyway and that was on me. The last Borderlands title I will get suckered into.

I'm bad at this game, so I don't like it.

One of my top games to this day. Imo it's the best Civ game.

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I cried and had all the feels. Catch a riiiide

5 stars... just for the feels and how this game hit me. Did it crash my display driver every two hours? You bet. Did combat feel like Geralt was swinging a 60 lb. sausage instead of a sword? Kind of.
But damn the story was TOLD, okay?

Technically played this on Steam Deck. Adorable game