Conceptually Resident Evil 3 builds on the groundwork laid by the remake of it's predecessor, unfortunately it fails to deliver on many fronts.

With a campaign that is far to brief, boss fights that range between laughably easy and confoundingly frustrating on higher difficulties. Two of the games biggest fights are ultimately reused in what is already a brisk experience. The level design is passable but nothing to write home about.
Which is unfortunately all Resident Evil 3 is, a passable game in a market of competent action/horror titles.

Though the original Resident Evil 3 was not without it's faults the remake fails to deliver in what is ultimately the most crucial fronts. Originality. Often this game feels more like an expansion that a sequel, which would be a palatable observation had the game not been released at full priced.

It is easily a 6/10 for fans of the series, though for those who have never touched a game in the franchise this score could easily be elevated to a 7/10. If you were a fan of 2019's Resident Evil 2 and were dying for more this is an easy steal if purchased on sale.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2023
