Catherine 2011

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 13, 2022

Platforms Played


Catherine is a game truly unlike any other. It's definitely weird and has a lot of "Atlus-isms" that is found in a lot of their games, but the story that the game withholds is truly something special. Its an incredibly mature and self-centered story that I think a lot of adults can truly get behind. The main character of Catherine, Vincent Brooks is very compelling for a guy who truly isn't that special. He is a human just like all of us, who makes mistakes, gets stressed, and is arguably not a very good person. But he truly is what makes this game shine as his struggle is something all of us go through as adults looking for love, and no I don't mean cheating.

Don't let the fact that it's a puzzle game turn you away, as the story is too good to ignore. I highly recommend Catherine to any Atlus fan or just anyone looking for a unique game to just enjoy.