Red Dead Redemption is a gaming masterpiece. It's a game that helped garner a new age of storytelling in gaming. And it's a game I consider to be one of the greatest stories ever told in fiction.

RDR is a gaming classic. Rockstar's magnum opus in its large library of gaming triumphs. The story of John Marston is one of sacrifice, betrayal, family, and redemption. John elevates the game as its protagonist, and Rob Wiethoffs performance is nothing short of spectacular.

Red Dead's gameplay is still that familiar Rockstar style but with added western elements that give the game a brilliant sense of gritty realism and arcade fun that blends together like magic. The open world of early 1900s New Austin and Mexico is filled with events and sidequests that keep the player always busy within its already busy story. You will never run out of things to do, which is one of Red Dead's strengths.

The soundtrack lets the western tone soar to new heights as each song adds so much meaning and depth to not only the missions but the open world. John Marston's theme is iconic and brilliant, and it's a song that gives me chills to this very day.

Red Dead Redemption is a brilliant western and an even better video game. It cements itself as one of the gamings best, and it's a must-play for anyone wanting to get into video games. Like I said before, Red Dead is Rockstars Magnum Opus and it's a game that stands out in a library of greatness.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2021
