Is the act of reviewing something to pass judgment on the way you spent your time and how the experience you had made you feel? Most often, yes...Quantify an experience?.. To make the most of this dilemma or perhaps sidestep it, you could educate yourself about contemporary media and what's expected of a genre. Quantifying how much unknown genres and novel concepts improve an experience is harder since you have no frame of reference. I say shut the whole thing down, who gives a single fuck about your armchair designer thoughts on expensive nintendo games from over 20 years ago. You could make reviews about what kind of person might get something out of the thing you're discussing. But of course, what's the point of that if it invalidates the need for my very thoughtful 7.2 out of 10 score.

Ok seriously man... like Man like... Even the worst games you've played have something interesting to ruminate on, there is something of value where your bias implies none. I promise. I can't change your mind and I don't want to, but I do hope at least one person understands that they can learn to seek out the good and not throw away the things they've experienced as though it were all for nothing. What you did was not a complete waste of time until you pass that judgment onto it. You should think about these things, considering you're some dickhead who writes reviews on a website like this.

I like Leopold a lot.

Reviewed on May 23, 2022
