Steelrising definitely surprised me in that it feels very competent as a soulslike. The gameplay isn't bad, it has some jank to it, but it's definitely better than some in this genre. I however found it very uninteresting, despite soulslike being a "comfort genre". I just really don't find the late 1700's (with robots) a place I want to explore. The first area was cool, a vibrant garden with a hedgemaze, but once you get to Paris its just 1700's wood and stone buildings. I didn't really see anything fantastical so like 🤷‍♀️. I also found the bosses to be annoying, not like bad, but annoying.

Also the game had a really bad frame rate for me. I had to turn the graphics down all the way and it still was choppy.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
