Yup, its more Red Dead Redemption. The gameplay is the same, but more annoying because of the melee enemies who rush you down, along with the headshot kills you have to get on console gaming.

The main missions feature some shit i just don't wanna do (i.e. gathering flowers, capturing specific undead), and is otherwise fine besides that. Not exceptional, just fine.

The next paragraph is me coping.
This is also probably one of the BUGGIEST things I have ever played for a triple A video game (I know it probably didn't have the same budget and time as the main game but you know what I mean). You have like a timer until zombies just turn invisible (besides their clothes so you can still shoot them) and it just softlocks some missions because killing them doesn't count when they are like that. I had to do a town saving 3 times because the first time it was glitched, and the second time because I fell off the roof (putting people on high roofs with clunky ass movement/platforming, brilliant!).

Overall, yeah pretty cool expansion, if you liked Red Dead 1.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2022
