Yup, still a blast to play; I think now as I'm older I enjoy the combat more than Stealth, and now I like trying to complete the Stealth as fast as possible rather than waiting for good opportunities. Took like 6 hours (ignored Riddler this time; dont care anymore) and thats just a tightly paced action funhouse. Poison Ivy kind of boring (I hate big things over a ledge that smack with arms).

Also I fuck with that Titan Joker design, and that ending punch is so kino peak raw

Reviewed on May 31, 2023


11 months ago

Love the metroidvania ass structure of this game and forever sad they didn’t do another one like this, but I had a good time being reminded of that ending scene with the punch and remembering how funny I thought it was and THEN remembering that was like 12 years ago

11 months ago

not enough 3D metroidvania's