my rating is only for ffx, not x-2, as i didn't finish that game.

ffx is a game that is completely and utterly lost on me. though some people like it, i find the art "style" horrifically ugly, although i, somewhat controversially, like the character design-- i find it slots in extremely well into the world that's been created, which most (as i too) would agree is an excellent one. but aside from the general atmosphere of the game and the music, i don't like pretty much anything else. the graphics are atrocious, the characters range from boring to annoying, as a tales fan the story is completely and utterly unremarkable to me (i mean this with full sincerity, play tales of symphonia for a better version of this game in every single regard), unskippable blitzball sequences is a legit crime, the gameplay is EXTREMELY frustrating, the camera work is AWFUL, and the main draw of this game, the relationship between tidus and yuna, did not at ALL resonate with me.

again, play tales of symphonia for a better version of this game in literally every single regard. to illustrate what greater strides symphonia takes than this game, let me just say that ffx takes its entire runtime to tell a story that symphonia expresses in its first few hours.

as for x-2, i think people are unnecessarily shitty to it because it's a game with a female-only party. i played a little bit of it until the difficulty spiked really hard and i just didn't care enough to put up with it, but it was actually INSANELY fun. the job mechanic is both super stylish and super fun, and the game doesn't HAVE to be anything better than stylish and fun. y'know?

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023


10 months ago

X-2 was hated because it wasn't as "serious" as X, despite establishing that it wasn't going to be a serious game from the start
You are 100% right about the job system being sick, it's one of the best in the series
Also I agree, I seriously don't get why people love X so much, I didn't even both with much of it

10 months ago

then why did you still give it 3 stars lmao

10 months ago

Imma check out Tales of Symphonia because of you but.... to say that ToS has a better art style is insane lol I guess im just not a fan of that chibi art style I didn't like it in BDSM either.

10 months ago

@blazing fellow gigachad i see B) as someone who didn't enjoy x, booting up x-2 and seeing the tone shift was AWESOME lol

@Marley honestly so true. edited

@MasaMatters honestly, i'm with you; i think symphonia looks pretty bad as well. it's just that i'll take intentional stylization over the pursuit of realism ANY day, and a specific comment i have that makes ffx look worse to me is that the higher-detailed models of the main characters vs the npcs are extremely jarring and took me out of the game every time i noticed it (which was super frequently), and symphonia has none of that; sure, it's because the style is less ambitious, but it looks more consistent, and therefore, better (at least to me). i'm also just never going to fault another game for being lower budget than a square enix title, y'know? anyway, i hope you enjoy symphonia if you end up playing it! i'm honored you took my review to heart.