9 Reviews liked by Snuit4

Les jeux mobiles mais en mieux faut se l'avouer

I don't really like stacking boxes.

consistently very funny and enjoyable

Look man we were all broke at one point

What. A. Game!

This game feels like it's about 10 of your favourite games rolled into one. If you like action and battle, RTS, complex economics, powers and abilities, Rogue-likes, those maths flash games you played in high school, metroid-vanias or just having the time of your life then this game is for you!!! :)

The best thing is also that it's so adaptable. You can get deep into when to tap your powers or just chuck on the auto button and you're living your best life while destroying the most powerful foes in the land! :):) Once I was telling a chick that she's probably a guy with a voice changer in Overwatch while I was taking on the toughest brutes in the tower in Hero Wars on full auto and it just made me contemplate the limits of humanity! :):)

I wish all games had an auto button (Imagine breath of the wild with an auto button! :):):) ) and sometimes I wish there was a way to auto the full game because then I could leave it at home and just have it grinding out for me. I'd probably come home to a bajillion money, gems, chests, raid tickets, energy, blue chests, brown chests, purple chests, purple coins, blue ticket things, stars and probably just pride. See what I mean about complex economics :P

Honestly, when you just chuck this game on full auto (especially in the arena, PVP mode, where its auto on auto! haha), it's like watching the gods of Olympus go up against the Titans. You are not going to want to blink! :):)

When you forget to put the game on auto in some modes it is just brutal. But it really reminds me how far I've come in the game and in my life when that happens, so it's still a positive! :)

As a bonus, all of the babes are pretty much in bikinis and the dudes covered fully. That just helps stop any you know, guy thoughts, though the red guy with only a loincloth on is giving me some trouble! :P

Probably the only con is that I kind of lose respect for people that won't play the game or talk bad about it. Clearly the other reviewers here haven't even played or if they did, their IQ probably just wasn't high enough to really get the game. That's sad.

You know the best thing, I've been playing Hero Wars this whole time while I've been writing the review! :):) It's a life hack!

Tried it at a gaming convention and it crashed 3 times back to back. Ark even with voxel graphics will find a way to crash

I've been grinding this game for weeks to unlock Goku Black and holy shit it's so fun

Playing Survivor is actually fun enough, the map is really big and the skills you can learn are really cool and make the game fair enough against the much more powerful Raiders, but it's whenever I get the chance to play Raider that things get super exciting, you really start to FEEL like a Dragon Ball villain, killing all the worthless worms in your way (and sometimes losing brcause you get wayyy too cocky and fuck up badly)

Really fun time