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This was a surprising game for me to play. I knew it was a very indie game and that it likely wouldn't be too crazy. The visuals looked great, a little janky yes but overall great. The main thing is the atmosphere, all the characters talk in a gibberish dialogue but it is very charming. Clid's dialogue reminds me of the motivational chinese beaver meme, so I love that. The story is that each type of animal has their own citadel where they live. The slugs have been attacking each citadel for whatever reason and Clid fights them back. The snails get pissed because they don't do violence, so they kick him out. Clid finds and joins a group called Alastor which is headed by a chameleon named Cassius. Way down the line we realize that the slugs were infested by spider parasites and being controlled, Cassius knew this and killed our lil firefly friend (RIP Belu) and tries to kill us. We come back, kill some members of Alastor (who either didn't believe Cassius tried to kill us or couldn't hurt him) and then we defeat Cassius, with a frog named Itako dealing the final blow. The story was fine, but I do have a few problems. It wasn't the best idea to name Cassius this because if you know who the real world equivalent is then you'll expect a betrayal. I knew this and was waiting for it. I also don't like the idea that the outcast's leader was doing this on purpose to punish the citadels. Instead of making it one of the citadel's it instead tried to pull a twist, but this lessened the effective evil of the citadels and instead placed it on us. I also could kind of tell something was wrong with the slugs since they have tendrils coming out and when you blow them up larvae come out. As for gameplay, it was alright. The main gun feels fine but doesn't feel like it has a punch when fully charged. The other guns were also fine, they were fun that they have environmental purposes too. Enemy variety isn't the best, but luckily the game isn't too long. As for boss fights, it is massively disproportionate. For 90% of the game the boss fights are simply attack a nest then blast a few waves of enemies, rinse and repeat. I was worried this would be the only fights, and I knew they could do other ones since the first fight in the game with Ska was so unique. Then at the end of the game, you fight 4 bosses back to back that are all unique. While this was fun, it means the unique fights are EXTREMELY back loaded instead of being properly spread out. Overall, a fun game that could have been paced better.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
