This game is a welcome surprise as an entry-level experience into metroidvanias. Succinct, fair ramp-up, and with a neat twist of the dual-colors mechanic. Especially near the end, the challenge really ramps up and makes you use all the tools you learnt throughout the game.

Being an older game, clunkiness from technical limitations make it feel a little less responsive (ex: grappling or wall sliding). Overall platforming feels rough for a 2D platformer because of it. The final boss is especially challenging due to the clunkiness. I also feel the waypoint marker defeats some of the player exploration, but at least reduce frustration in where to go next.

But hot damn, the art style in this game really hits. It's a cool mix of 2d environments, 3d models silhouetted in the foreground, and great use of the dual colors to highlight the world/enemies/obstacles. It aged super well and hopefully will continue to with time.

It's only up from here in the metroidvania genre, so this is a good baseline to try.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2023
